Shipping Intelligence

Fortune 500 company saves $6 million

Business type
Wholesale & DTC
HubSpot Form Styling with jQuery


Client is a Fortune500 company based in St. Paul, MN and provides cleaning and sanitation solutions worldwide. Its global transportation includes all modes—parcel, LTL, ocean and air freight. In the U.S., most of Client’s distribution moves through parcel and less-than- truckload (LTL) carriers. Business is driven by customer satisfaction where the most important factors for high customer satisfaction are carrier relationships combined with quality of carriers used. 





  1. Optimize parcel and LTL carrier agreements to find additional savings on annual transportation spend of $20 million. 
  2. Help client maintain a strong relationship with each carrier to ensure high levels of service quality throughout negotiations and moving forward. 


Using its proprietary optimization software, iDrive Logistics performed a detailed analysis of Client’s historical parcel and LTL distribution data, using all carrier documents including Client’s carrier agreements.  iDrive’s deep knowledge of carrier cost models instead of benchmarking, enabled iDrive to drill down on every element within each agreement, creating digestible intelligence.  From this intelligence, iDrive provided Client detailed, strategic recommendations for improving and optimizing each agreement. To help Client maintain strong relationships with its carriers, iDrive consulted with Client’s team to outline strategies, including specific coaching on all areas that impacted overall bottom-line cost. 

The focus was not limited to discount percentages. iDrive provided direction as to surcharges, agreement structure, agreement language and more. Client’s team then worked directly with the carriers to implement iDrive’s recommended strategy. After each round of negotiations, iDrive evaluated the impact of any proposed agreement and made necessary strategy adjustments and recommendations to Client’s team. 


Despite Client’s strong, existing carrier agreements, iDrive helped Client negotiate a 3-year savings of over $6 million while maintaining—and even improving—carrier relationships, which was an area critical to Client. 

Thank you for viewing this case study. For more information about how iDrive Logistics can optimize carrier agreements, please visit our website or contact us at 888.797.0929. 

(888) 797-0929

High level summary of the case study for example:
For a rapidly growing ecommerce business, keeping up with order volume and complicated fulfillment is essential. Kettle & Fire has been working with Shipfusion to scale across multiple sales channels seamlessly. Learn how the popular health and wellness brand has been able to reduce order fulfillment time and save on shipping while growing the business.
The challenge
Shipping costs are higher than ever before. Transporation cost is close to 25% of an average value of $56
Shipping costs are higher than ever before. Transporation cost is close to 25% of an average value of $56
Shipping costs are higher than ever before. Transporation cost is close to 25% of an average value of $56
The solution
Evaluate package Charcteristics
Shipping costs are higher than ever before. Transporation cost is close to 25% of an average value of $56
Select Carrier Mix
Optimized carrier mix to achieve higher customer loyalty while obtaining lower costs and higher delivery reliability
Reduct Shipping Costs
Achieved immediate cost savings after implementing suggested actions and gained year-over-year savings despite GRI in January
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
Annual shipping spend
Year-over-year Reduction in cost
Percentage of shipping costs saved
Confidence that the current shipping process is designed for profitability
Customer loyalty increase from higher delivery reliability
Relief from rising costs reducing overall shipping expenses
Let's get started
If you're considering switching 3PLs to a more professional service or are looking for the first time, we'd love the opportunity to show you what iDrive has to offer.